Sasquatch: Bigfoots Revenge!
You and your friends set out to go camping one weekend in a very remote area. As you round a bend in the road the car crashes into a massive tree that has fallen in the path. Cell phones don’t work in the area but you are able to call the local ranger station on a walkie talkie. The Ranger says there is a cabin very close to where you are located and as night falls, you hike through the dark woods in that direction. Suddenly you see the cabin ahead! When you arrive the door is wide open and the lights are on. Then strange howls and growls come from the tree line so you rush into the cabin and slam the door! An excited call comes over the radio…
This game is moderate in difficulty, fun for both new and experienced Escape Game players.
All games are recommended for 4 or more players unless they have solid Escape Game experience.
While visiting our escape games be sure to experience the HOUSE OF CREEPS Monster Museum!